Turning Uncertainty into Opportunity

Dramatic Changes: What happens next with this Coronavirus? Our lives have already changed dramatically. Kids are home from school.  Increasingly, people are working from home. Grocery store shelves are half empty. Information on the news is confusing and changing day...

Dealing with Virus Anxiety

New Reasons For Concern We have found ourselves confronted with a worldwide crisis. The Coronavirus is creating great anxiety.  The current virus outbreak is unpredictable and it is difficult to know how to go about our daily lives. Being sick for a few days is...

Holiday Survival, Part 2: Coping with Anxiety

Holiday Worries The holidays often bring anxiety and worry. What gift will I buy for so and so? Who am I forgetting? Are these gifts good enough? Will they notice if I don’t get them anything? What if I don’t contribute to the office charity this year? Am I a bad...

Holiday Survival Tips, Part 1: “The Ally”

The Holiday Gathering Gauntlet Holiday gatherings can turn a happy time of year into a minefield of stress. Even if you are in good spirits, family gatherings can bring you to the verge of a breakdown. Most of us love our families, but getting together for a...

Not Taking Care of Yourself?

The Cause Could be Anxiety We often know we are not taking care of ourselves. Whether it is not eating healthy food, not getting enough sleep, not exercising – most of us our quick to point out that we “just don’t have time”.  We may not get together with...