Online Video Therapy: Safe, Secure and Here to Support You

Feeling worried, sad or overwhelmed?

Arvada Therapy is Here to Help

Enjoy Your Life Again

Stop Struggling

                                  Recharge Your Relationship

Never thought this is where things would end up.

Nothing is going very well.  Try to put on a happy face, but it gets more difficult. This relationship is not what it used to be and we don’t seem to have that same connection. We’re together, but it’s not easy.

Stressed all the time now and little things tend to blow up. Can’t talk about certain subjects, so try to pretend. Not sure when we felt really happy together the last time.

Haven’t felt good for a while.

Don’t seem to enjoy anything anymore. Things that used to be fun, take so much work now. A lot of worries that keep piling up. So much in the world that is upsetting and out of control! Hard to know how to deal with everything.

Keep wondering “what is going to happen next?” Always some disaster around the corner. Nothing is ever easy. Tired of just trying to get through the day. 

Problems have built up and are taking a toll.

Want to be healthier, but have slipped into a lot of bad habits.  Eating junk and getting out of shape. Drinking more, and more often. Sleep is horrible, wide awake at 2 am and then tired all day. Harder to focus and get things done.

Get through work, but not sure about how good the quality is. Don’t seem to have the motivation or enthusiasm anymore.  Lucky to have a job, but wonder if there is something more. 

Don’t talk to friends as much. Not sure what to say. I think people are tired of hearing complaints. Everyone’s got their own problems. More alone lately.  

Life has become overwhelming. You’ve considered going to Therapy, now is the time to make that Call!


I can help you!

For over 20 years, I have helped people heal marriages, stop worrying, and enjoy life again. In counseling, you will learn proven strategies to work through depression, anxiety and make relationship changes.

Take the next step and call me at (720) 315-0123 or email I want to help you find a way to
a more joyous life, alone or in relationship.

Call Me now

Let Me Help You

Using proven, research-based therapy techniques, I help people feel better and get what they want out of life.

Learn new skills that will help you worry less, fight off depression, and improve communication.

Begin living a more fulfilling, rewarding, and happier life!

More ABout Me

Hans J. Sieber, MC, LPC
Reach out to me at (720) 315-0123 or email


* Note: online scheduling may be limited for new clients, depending on availability.