Not Taking Care of Yourself?

The Cause Could be Anxiety We often know we are not taking care of ourselves. Whether it is not eating healthy food, not getting enough sleep, not exercising – most of us our quick to point out that we “just don’t have time”.  We may not get together with...

Ask For What You Want

My first rule for people in Couples Counseling is: “Ask for what you want!”  This is essential, because it lies at the heart of what is needed in every relationship: communication and getting your needs met. People often don’t communicate what they need in a...

Choosing Trust

Trust can often feel strained or even broken in a relationship.  A partner contacts someone of the opposite sex on the internet. Inappropriate texts. Cheating. A return to addictive behaviors – alcohol, drug use, gambling, porn – these all can hurt a...

What are we looking for on our phones?

Just Filling Time I am becoming aware of something new that’s been happening lately. Maybe it has been something that you have experienced also.  If I have just a free minute, I grab my phone and scroll through looking for updates and notifications.  Almost...