Life is Overwhelming – An Experienced Therapist can Help!

Arvada Therapy: Counseling for Anxiety, Depression, and Chronic Pain

It is tough to struggle alone…

Work so hard on your own to try to feel better, but problems tend to pile up. 

Good ideas about what you could do, but no motivation, end up “just getting through the day.” Too tired to make changes.

Always worry about what could go wrong tomorrow, panic wakes you up at night.  

Back pain, headaches, stomach issues, it seems like there is always something wrong.  Never really feel good. 

Everyone else is carefree, life is easier for them. Bad things always seem to happen. 

So hard to talk to anyone, no one understands. Put on a happy face, and fake it to get through the day.  

Therapy can help!

Therapy helps us learn practical skills to decrease worry and manage stress. Anxiety and Depression can be fought effectively. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a research proven method that helps us learn how to feel better and make positive changes.

Family, work, pain, illness, life transitions, grief – these problems can become overwhelming.   Therapy can provide an outlet for all those thoughts you carry around. Sometimes we can’t do it all on our own.

When relationships aren’t working, life can feel hopeless. Counseling can help you learn to communicate effectively and address issues when people you care about are causing stress.

Chronic Pain affects millions of Americans. Anxiety and Depression are natural when you have been in pain for years. Pain Reprocessing Therapy has been shown to be effective for: low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, Ehler’s Danlos, POTS, CRPS, pelvic pain, IBS, stomach aches, whiplash, tendonitis, chronic fatigue, long covid… Fight Chronic Pain WITHOUT pain medications. 

Medicaid Insurance Accepted

Hans J Sieber, MC, LPC is a Colorado Medicaid provider. If you have Colorado Access or Colorado Community Health Alliance coverage, Hans can see you, at no out of pocket cost to you. Call to schedule your first appointment on the phone, and Hans will verify your insurance. 

If you have Medicaid, you do NOT need a referral from your family physician to schedule an appointment with Hans, you can call directly to set up an appointment. Hans can typically schedule a new client appointment within five business days – much more quickly than your average large County mental health agency.

* Hans is not a Medicare provider. All other insurance is “Out-of-Network”. 

Call today to start enjoying life again!

No one can fix everything on their own. Talk with someone with years of experience working through these issues. You can do this! Counseling can be a new path toward a fulfilling life!

Call today or fill out the contact form on this page to start therapy and start feeling better!